When we asked Jacci Kelly her favourite time of day – her description of dusk was a far cry from the ‘witching hour’ most mothers fear…. “It’s a magical time of day when the sun is going down and you can place all your dreams and wishes on tomorrow, when my kids are all home and we have those hours to be around each other, to talk, cook, and create…..’’. Such imaginative talk resonated heavily with the Little Rae Prints HQ as DREAMING is indoctrinated heavily into our brand. Our art is created for this very purpose – to inspire creation, to project magic and to enable cohesive comfort for both the parents and children in the spaces they spend a huge chunk of their childhood.

Jacci’s daughter Scarlett suffers from anxiety, it was this condition that drove Jacci’s design choices for her bedroom – selecting with the intention to inspire calm. “I have always styled my girls rooms around them and their personalities. I think it's important to include your child's ideas in the design process to bring the room to life. I'm not sure I have a style as such, it is more of a snowball concept and I will see a key item and the whole room will be created around that”. Scarlett’s room certainly snowballed into the magical space we see today, when Jacci made her Incy Interiors gold 'eden bed' the centre focus point and chose our Little Rae Prints Carousel Swan to set the ethereal tone of the room.....
And set the tone she did - to one of light and wonder, a key element Jacci says is essential for enveloping your child in warmth "children are enthralled by soft light, beside the fact it is reassuring, it is a necessity for security".

When asked what values Jacci wishes to instil in her children, kindness, empathy and acceptance topped the list. "Smiling, a kind gesture or just a hug" were of upmost importance to lift someones day - "our children need to know that life can have some rough turns but primarily it is beautiful". It is for this reason, Jacci wants to ensure her children see that life is full of beauty and magic and has surrounded Scarlett in such wonder in her bedroom. "Little Rae Prints, besides being truly beautiful, let your children use their imagination to create a story for the characters around them to live in". We couldn't have said it better ourselves.
Find Jacci's interior inspiring instagram @jaccikelly and Facebook @jaccikelly